New survey Finds that Depression in British adults has doubled during coronavirus crisis

A recent survey commissioned by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) had found that almost 20% of people in the UK have experienced depression during the coronavirus crisis, with female, younger and disabled adults most affected. The dramatic deterioration in the nations’s mental health, according to the survey, has been variously linked to factors including increased isolation, bereavement, and financial insecurity caused by debt and unemployment. There are fears that the numbers affected could soar in line with increasing unemployment as furlough ends this autumn.

If you have been feeling low, depressed, lonely and anxious, please remember that you are not alone and there are places that you can find help.

Claire Murdoch, national mental health director for the NHS, stresses that there is support available including online and telephone advice and 24/7 crisis services.

There are also a number of other organisations that can support you in difficult times:

Here are some support numbers you can call if you’re struggling or find yourself in crisis- please don’t suffer alone:

Getting help & support

Here are some support numbers you can call if you’re struggling or find yourself in crisis:



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25 Aug, 2020