Let’s make a difference @Safaplace
The first ever conference held by Safaplace, an emerging charity founded in the wake of the loss of two teens at Stoke Newington School, was a resounding success. The challenge now will be to take the hope and inspiration born there, and make it into something real.
Over 150 participants attended the Conference. They attended a keynote speech by activist and campaigner Jonny Benjamin, eleven workshops covering a wide range of topics, and a lively panel discussion featuring Dr Chris Van Tulleken‘s masterly management of seven different speakers from CAMHS, Young Minds, Papyrus, MerseyCare, private practice and the school itself.
Recommendations came from the discussions, which focused on how all of us in schools, health and the community can come together on this vital issue. These covered training, changes for schools and the health service, and wider government policy.
The #Safaplace Conference was a stunning start, now let’s make a difference to young people’s mental health.
For more information, or to get involved, email us on [email protected]. Don’t forget to answer our survey about the Conference.
We need to listen to young voices more — Jonny Benjamin MBE